Vodafone Group PLC

Vodafone is a massive multinational telecommunications company, and one of the UK's largest corporations.

And because of their size, there is massive systemic inefficiencies resulting in tens of million of pounds of lost revenue per annum. I was engaged to work on a transformational global project; the aim to organise and present all of the fragmented billing and circuit data from across Vodafone Global Enterprise PLC's subsidiaries with real-time, accurate and complete data, allowing leadership to make informed business decisions for vendors and customers, and ultimately save over £50 million during the course of the project's life.

This was a project with massive amounts of data, a team spread across the globe and delicate corporate politics. Working with key stakeholders and successfully steering the project's intuitive UX, informed user journeys, jargon-free nomenclature and robust information architecture took considerable effort and intense focus.

This was a project with minimal UI design thanks to Vodafone's extensive brand guidelines, however some of the core outcomes from my work on the Strategic Inventory Portal were directly fed back into the corporate guidelines and their front-end component library. Also worth noting that I built the SIP portal and all the key subsidiary landing pages.

  • Web
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript ES6
  • Service Now
  • AngularJS
  • UX
  • UI
  • Front-end
  • Yamaneko Limited
Vodafone - SIP Home
Vodafone - SIP
Vodafone - Wireframes
Vodafone - UX